
Traveling with Dolls

Before we get started I have to mention that in a few days I will have a fun travel themed giveaway!  Stay tuned!!!


Today is our first day back from a trip we took to Louisville Kentucky.  If you follow on Instagram you saw bits and pieces of our travels!  At the last minute I decided to take Ivy on the trip.

Traveling with Dolls
My daughter always had a doll in tow for trips when she was younger but this was the first trip I personally took a doll along for the ride.  I wasn’t sure what it would be like and if I would like having to care for a doll on the trip or not.  Now that I’m back I can definitely see some of the pros and cons of traveling with dolls and I discovered some of the fun reasons to take a doll on your next trip!

So, why take a doll on a trip?

Traveling with Dolls1.  A Travel Companion

I have to start with this because this was always the reason my daughter traveled with her doll.  She loved to play with her when there was down time at the hotel or in the car.

Traveling with Dolls

When my daughter traveled to the American Girl store in New York she took her doll along for the adventure.  The American Girl Doll Store experience encourages you to bring your doll with many places to pose for pictures.  Sit down and eat at the cafe and your doll has a special doll sized seat and dishes to join the fun!  You could have just as much fun with your doll on almost an travel adventure if you love a doll size companion!

2. Doll Photography

Traveling with DollsIn following blogs and Instagram accounts I am amazed at the wonderful doll photography that is out there!  There is a lot of you out there, in all age groups and interests, that take lovely photos of dolls!  If you have an interest in photography you may enjoy photographing dolls.  Trips offer wonderfully unusual places and backdrops that might not always be available to you.

3.  Doll Size Souvenirs

Doll size finds while traveling

It is fun to pick up a few souvenirs from your travels along the way.  Many times the things you might pick out at the visitor center and gift shop will collect dust on a shelf at home.  This trip I looked for doll sized souvenirs to add to our collection.  The souvenirs remind us of the trip and will be fun for play or doll scenes.  It is also fun looking for mini souvenirs because they don’t usually cost as much as the full size souvenirs.  For example, there were lots and lots of choices for a horse souvenir at the gift shop at the Museum for the Kentucky Derby horse races.  For $0.90 each I picked out a few mini horses.  They are so cute for the doll collection and my youngest daughter will love them for play!

Traveling with dolls

Lastly, if you haven’t traveled with dolls before there are a few tips and tricks to have a safe travel experience for your doll.  You need to consider how to keep your dolls hair nice, protect the vinyl from scratches, decide what doll clothes are best for travel and what to pack for the trip.  Here is a great Youtube video by DeenaandBeena that covers these issues!

Happy Travels!!


9 thoughts on “Traveling with Dolls”

  1. Hi Anna,

    I’ve just returned from Seattle, and took 2 of my AG dolls w/ me. This is the 3rd trip I’ve made w/ my dolls there. Since I fly, my dolls get packed in my suitcase (since my other carry-on is my backpack). I put non-Ziploc sandwich baggies over their heads to keep their hair in place, and wrap each of them in bubble wrap, so they don’t get scratched and their faces don’t get pushed in. I even pack a portable bunk bed from Badger Basket (it fits right in my suitcase), so they’ll have a place to sleep at niece’s house. They get a suitcase of their own packed w/ a few changes of clothes that can be mixed and matched for both dolls, a brush and matching hair holders, extra shoes, and even some doll food! I do get curious looks when I take them out in public, but I don’t mind. It’s fun to travel w/ my dolls!

  2. This past Christmas we noticed that Target had a cute traveling container that is for their 18 inch dolls called Journey Girls. My daughter loves it. It keeps her doll safe and has little pockets inside for accessories and clothes, and they come in a variety of colors and designs. I think traveling with dolls is great .

  3. Hey, I’m going to NYC on Wednesday, and want to bring my doll Molly, to bring her to an AG store there. I’m thinking about packing her in my suitcase, which will be a carry-on, but we don’t know where the carry-on will be stored – the airplane might be too small for the shelves/containers above the chairs. I’m really worried something might happen to her – something melting, since she’s 80% plastic, or anything really. Am I just over-thinking it, or is there a risk?

  4. OH HURRAY for big backpacks! I found a backpack that will fit her, plus my schoolwork and other needs. The backpack will be my actual carry-on, so I’ll have it with me at the airplane seat.

  5. I am stoked to be traveling to Wichita, Kansas. I actually live in Kansas I am 10 years old and excited to see my grandparents. I really want to take Rebecca, my AG doll to Wichita. Any tips?

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