Tips to Store and Organize Your Sewing Patterns

Organize your sewing patterns

Having a system to organize your sewing patterns is important to keep track of pattern pieces and to have quick and easy access when you want to get started on a project. I have tried different ways of storing doll clothes patterns and I have a system now that works for me.  Today I will show you how I organized the pattern pieces from my book My Doll, My Style.  This system will work for all printable PDF pattern templates.

Organize your sewing patterns

Organize Your Sewing Patterns

I store doll clothes sewing patterns in sheet protectors in binders.  To make it easy to both find the pattern you need and to put them away, label the sheet protector with the name of the pattern.  You can use sheet protectors that already have tabs on them or add your own tabs.

I will show you my system from adding tabs to organizing the patterns.  Here’s what’s you need to get started.


  • 1″ binder
  • Sheet protectors
  • Post-it Tabs (or sheet protectors with tabs)
  • Paper
  • Washi tape or masking tape (optional)
  • Pen
  • 2 copies of PDF pattern templates

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Adding Tabs

If you are adding your own tabs, first decide if you want them on the right side or top of the sheet protectors.  I put them along the top because my binder is not wide enough, and the tabs stick out on the side.

I use the Post-it Tabs.  They are made of a stiff plastic, come in different colors, you can write on them with a pen and they come with an adhesive side.

When adding your own tabs you want to be sure to place them straight and evenly spaced.  Follow the instructions below for the best placement.

  1. Place the sheet protector on a piece of paper and place a piece of washi (or masking) tape on the side.
  2. Adhere a Post-it Tab at the corner along the edge of the sheet proctor.
  3. Place another sheet protector on the first, lining up the top and side edges.  Place a piece of washi tape on the side.
  4. Line up the tab next to the first one.  Adhere it on the sheet protector.
  5. Repeat steps 3-4 until there are tabs across the top.

Note: To hide the adhesive side of the Post-it Tab, place it between the sheet protector layers on the top edge.

Add multiple rows of tabs to fit more patterns in the binder.

Write the pattern name on each tab.

Storing Pattern Pieces

Print 2 copies of the pattern pieces.  Cut out one copy.  The other is a reference copy to make additional copies from.  Having an extra copy is a quick way to access the pattern pieces if one gets damaged.

Doll clothes patterns are usually small so they fit nicely in sheet protectors. If the pattern is larger, just fold the pieces to fit.

Keep each set of pattern pieces in a sheet protector.  In the example above there are 2 sets of the Fringe Swimsuit pattern. On the left it is uncut set and on the right the pattern pieces are cut out.

Organize your sewing patterns

When you organize your sewing patterns in binders the best part is that they are all ready to go.  That means more time for sewing and creating!

Happy organizing!


6 thoughts on “Tips to Store and Organize Your Sewing Patterns”

  1. Sharen S Schulz

    Dear Anna,
    Great tip, but I don’t understand about the Washi Tape and it’s purpose. Is it in place of the Post-it Tabs or do you use both?

    1. Sharen, use the washi tape(or masking tape)to keep the sheet protector from slipping around while you place the tab. Hope that makes sense!

  2. This is very helpful! When I get a bunch more patterns I might use this organization trick. Also, I am really hoping that I can get your book soon! It looks like it is really great, and I really can’t wait to see its patterns when I get it. Your blog is very helpful to me!

  3. I have mine stored in file cabinet drawers inside of the protective sleeve covers. Problem is, they slip and slide all over so the binder sounds good, BUT I literally have hundreds of patterns……..any suggestions? A one inch binder just is too little.

  4. Nina, If you are already organizing your patterns in a file cabinet you might want to stick with it. Since the sheet protectors are slipping I wonder if you want to place the sheet protectors into paper folders with fasteners. The sheet protectors fit on the fasteners. It would keep the sheet protectors flat. You could fit multiple patterns in a folder, organized by categories. Here is a link to an example of the folders.

    If you want to switch over to binders I would go with larger binders that would work for the size of your pattern collection. The patterns from My Doll, My Style fit in a 1″ binder so it is nice to keep all of those patterns together in a smaller binder.

    I hope this helps! Good luck organizing!

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