No, this post isn’t about pink or blue or purple hair. Yes, it’s true there is a lot of color in hair fashion today.
Color has found it’s way into the doll world as well. After all we just said goodbye to Isabelle, Girl of the Year 2014, from American Girl and her pink highlights on the tips of her hair!
For those dazzled by the color there are hair clips to add a streak of color to doll hair. No, no, this isn’t a post about bright turquoise highlight hair clips!
These colored highlights may be all the rage but I can’t really get into them. You can call me old fashioned if you want to. 😉
Yes, this is a post about plain ol’ brown hair clips. While these aren’t a flashy color the braids add their own subtle interest to a hair style. Ooo, I could really get excited about adding texture and detail with braid clips!
They are so easy to put in and can be styled into many hair dos.
Let’s take a closer look at these unassuming little brown braids and how to get started styling amazing hair with them!
This is the Accent Braid Clips from American Girl. For $15 you get two braids in two sizes, wide and narrow.
Each braid is attached to a comb clip.
Each comb can snap open and close to easily attach to the doll’s hair.
Here is the underside of the comb. It is in the open position.
The quality of the hair seems to be the same as the American Girl doll hair. Time will tell how well they last!
The brown color looks great with several of our brown haired American Girl dolls. It is just the right color, in the middle, to go with the different shades of brown hair.
The packaging has instructions and styling tips. After playing with the clips in the doll hair I think they have a lot more possibilities then first meets the eye.
When you add the clips to the hair you have to figure out how you want to hide the comb. The instructions suggest to layer the comb under a section of hair. For today’s style I clipped both braids to the top of Grace’s head. She already has a side braid so now it looks like she has 3 braids.
Slip on a wide headband and the combs disappear!
Pull the hair back into a loose side pony tail and the braids add texture and interest, dressing up the simple hair style.
I am definitely going to keep playing with these braids and adding them to other fun hairstyles!
In the end these hair clips are more versatile than I first realized and can be creatively added to different hairstyles. Using a headband is definitely going to be one way I’ll keep the combs hidden and the hairstyles fun!
We took a look at Grace’s hair styled with the braid clips now let’s take a look at Grace.
She is styled for a day out and about, braids and all!
Just in case you are interested, here is more about today’s post-
- Doll-Grace GOTY 2015
- Outfit– Shirt is Sophia’s. The jacket is an altered jacket from Springfield Collection. Leggings are from Saige’s sweater outfit. Shoes are from Caroline’s collection. Earrings are from Grace’s collection. Headband came with our Madame Alexandar doll.
Imagine, Create, and Style! (Yes, in that order! 🙂 )
Cool trick! I would have never thought to hide it with a headband!
Thanks! I wish the clips were made smaller so they would be even easier to hide!
I love that style! I had never thought to put a headband over the clips! I have some highlights, but I don’t use them often. They are kind of weird. I do like them though! I love the braids!