
Springfield Doll Hair Experiment

My daughter and I were at Jo-Anns together the other night and we walked by the Springfield Collection, 18″ dolls and accessories.  They had some new clothing out and we oohed and aahed over them.  That’s the fun part about girls shopping together right! 🙂  Then we had an idea, used Jo-Anns 40% off coupon, paid $12 for this doll, and started our experiment.

This is a $12 experiment.  We actually split the cost so we are both in at $6.

What exactly is our experiment, you say?

It has to do with this lovely black hair.

See how smooth and shiny it is.

See how brush-able the ends are?

We have heard and seen these dolls hair after they have been played with for a while.  The matted, tangled, fused mess has not been a pretty sight.

We have some questions.

Is this just the way this dolls hair is after awhile?  With gentle play and proper storage could the outcome be different?  Will brushing regularly with an American Girl hairbrush keep her locks smooth?

So, with some time, my 11 year old daughter is hoping to have some answers.  She’s feeling optimistic about it and we will let you know how hair care for our new doll turns out! Meanwhile, we will have some fun with our newest addition!


14 thoughts on “Springfield Doll Hair Experiment”

    1. Hi, I have that same doll (and a blog about her too, on Blogspot), and I’ve become something of an expert on hair care for Springfield Collection dolls. Check out my channel on YouTube (Hardygirl66) and look through all the hair care vids, (I say all b/c I had to make some revisions.) It takes a little maintaining, but you will be happy w/ the results, and not have to cut her hair.

      1. Thank you! I’ll check out your blog and You Tube channel. We have a couple Springfield dolls and are hopeful we can keep their hair manageable since we like them so much!

  1. We bought one of those dolls for our 3 year olds birthday because it was a lot cheaper than the Madame Alexander dolls that our older girls had gotten. All of those dolls seem to get the matted hair, so we will trying an experiment we saw on Pinterest with a wig comb and a spray bottle full of Downey and water. BTW, love your blog!! So cute and creative!

  2. Just thought id tell you… i have the same doll and yhe reason it gets matted is if you do brush it with an ag brush. Their hair is made oit of something different. It got so bad on my Maria that i had to cut her hair, so i learned the hard way. Please visit my dite to leabe a reply.

  3. Karenmomofthree’s craft blog reccommends it, you may want to leave a comment on her blog because she knows a ton about dolls and doll hair.

  4. The ONLY thing that helps Springfield dolls’ hair is STP’s Son of a Gun Vinyl Protector spray from the auto parts store. We have tried everything else recommended to no avail.

  5. I wonder what she would look like with curls…I have curly hair so I am always interested in how other people look w/curly hair, which sometimes includes dolls. Hey, they’re people too!

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