Refinish a Jewelry Box for Doll Furniture

Many jewelry boxes come just the right size for doll furniture.  Sometimes the finish is dated or just plain drab.  With a little bit of paint and sand paper you can refinish it into a fun piece of doll furniture.

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This little jewelry box was roughly built so I decided to refinish it with a distressed look.

Refinish a jewelry box for doll furniture. via  - 11

It worked well for this particular jewelry box because of all the imperfections it already had.

Refinish a jewelry box for doll furniture. via  - 14

I will walk you through the process if you’d like to give it a try!

Before we get refinishing I need to show you the before pictures.  It is a humble little piece I bought at the thrift store for $1.  You can see the nail holes in the front.  It also had gouge’s on some of the edges.  It was covered in some kind of clear coat over the natural wood.  It definitely needed a little refining to make a great piece of doll furniture!

unfinished jewelry box

I started with sanding it all over and wiping it down with a rag to remove the dust.  I used a  spray paint primer and then white on top.  When I was finished I noticed the spray paint did not get into the grooves on the front or the nail holes on the front.

Refinish a jewelry box for doll furniture. via  - 20

I used a little craft paint to cover and fill in where the spray paint missed.

Refinish a jewelry box for doll furniture. via  - 07

After it dried I used 200 grit sandpaper to lightly sand all of the edges.  I also sanded over the little imperfection to take off a little paint and help them stand out.

Refinish a jewelry box for doll furniture. via  - 08

I think the distressed look fits this piece.  It was a simple little makeover but just enough detail to give it the character it needed!

Refinish a jewelry box for doll furniture. via  - 13

Now we have a fun little entryway table to build scenes on!  Don’t be surprised if it stands in as a dresser, or a bedside table because I think it has a versatile look!

Refinish a jewelry box for doll furniture. via  - 09

Keep your eye out for little jewelry boxes that have potential.  With a little paint and sandpaper they can be transformed into fun doll furniture!


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