
Doll Size Find: A Toilet for a Doll Bathroom to be!

Warning: Your 13 year old sons will not approve.

And really, maybe, you should have listened.


Me: This will make the doll house more realistic.

13 year old son:  That’s not appropriate.

Me: Even Barbie doll houses have them.

13 year old son: That’s not appropriate.

Hmmmm… I guess I’m rationalizing.  And he really has a point, because right out of the box this says some pretty astonishing things.  Even with the batteries pulled out, it shows some pretty astonishing things.  Well, that is, if you’ve never potty trained a child before. 🙂

But I can see beyond these things.  The potential for it to look cute in a little dolly bathroom in a little dolly house. 🙂

Rationalizing again.

Oh well, hopefully you see it my way!

My Story:

I was doing a little shopping at Wal-mart the other day with my daughter and youngest son.  We were in the toy section looking for bubbles.  Because you need bubbles to take to the park.   Because its summer of course!

I’m not sure if I saw it first or if Emma saw it first but we were soon crowded around, swooning at it.

Oh, that’s so cute!

Look at that little toilet!  Do you think it’s close enough to scale, (for our 18″dolls)?

Let’s check how much it costs and maybe we can take it home and see!

$20 later…we were weighing out the pros and cons.



You know this is for an 11 year old’s doll house, not a 3 year old’s!  Just making sure you know, because that makes a big difference on your reaction.:)

Of course this is where I need to mention there are a myriad of other sound effects that I just can’t take a picture of, that accompany the flush.

You know I’m pretty sure this toy’s target audience is potty training age, so for that group, these sounds are well, exciting, because this is a skill you are striving to master.  And when you are trying to master a skill, you have to immerse yourself.


Did you like my explanation?

My 13 year old boy was certainly not buying it!

But he’s never potty trained a child before.  So this is where I smile and say, “Someday you’ll know what I’m talking about”.

He’s not buying the smile or the line.

Hmmm..well we know his vote, but now how do I decide?

$20 is too steep for a toiletish accessory for my dolly bathroom to be…

But it’s so cute!  And how else am I going to come up with something toiletish…

Seriously a $20 toilet.  What is my problem!  Why am I even tempted!  I am so scrimpin’ and gettin’ by, and shoppin’ around for a deal all the time.  A real deal.  Not a $20 toilet deal.  That’s not a deal.  That’s a $20 potty training kind of deal!

But wait.  Look at this cute face.

You know my baby is going to be one this winter and then two the next, and we don’t have many dolls for a two year old, because there is an 11 year gap between our girls.

And, if you consider stashing this away for a sweet little 2 year old that needs a few dollies.

And, if you spread out the cost, considering you get a cute little dolly and a toilet, boy howdy, what a deal!

Let’s open the package to see all its cuteness!

It is cute!

And it even matches our upscaled baby bathtub from yesteryear!  Who knew?

Now for the size.  You know it’s for 18″ dolls.  Hmmm…what do you think?

I had to stick in the new little dolly I’ll be saving for my little Lu.  Hope she’s not swaying your judgement.  Hope she’s not too distracting!  Maybe someday she’ll be a little sister, when Lu is ready to play of course!

Well it is a little small.  But at least for me, for a doll size find, and such a unique one to boot, it’s close enough.  And close enough is good enough for me!

Sorry 13 year old son.  I will take the batteries out right now so you don’t have to hear all those graphic sound effects.  And maybe I can think of a way to jam the flush, so we can just see the “clean blue water”.

Maybe then you can forgive me.

5 thoughts on “Doll Size Find: A Toilet for a Doll Bathroom to be!”

  1. I’m making my own American Girl doll house out of foam science display boards and one of the rooms is the bathroom, but I’m going to get another toilet (the one I want to get is a dog water bowl that has a lid that opens and closes) and I’m also going to get a small plastic tub to be the bathtub (the one I found was in the dollar section of Target) but I don’t know what to use for the sink and I don’t want to spend a lot of money, do you have any ideas for a doll sink that is from another 18 inch doll brand?

    1. Your doll house sounds super fun! I’ve heard of the dog water bowl/toilet! It’s so perfect! I haven’t seen any sinks for sale. I made a sink for our doll house out of a rectangular soap dish. It was actually a kitchen sink but I’m thinking it could be adaptable for a bathroom sink. Hmmmmmm. I love new challenges! I’ll have to think on that one a bit!

      1. I got the tub today from my grandma as a present. Now the things that I need are the sink, the toilet and other odds and ends. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. LOL. I have read this post 10 (yes 10!!!) times and it never gets old! I love your 13 now 15 year olds reaction! Love this.

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