Those of you that have been following along, I have another post in the Project Dollhouse Series coming soon!
Wow, there have been a lot of changes on this little blog over the last few months! Things have settled down a bit but I’m not done with a few behind the scene things on the blog like organizing and rearranging. It has all been in hopes of making projects easier for you to find. One of the first changes was a new look at the top, the header. If you’ve followed along for awhile you remember this as the header on the blog for the last 2 years. I liked our header. It showed what this little blog was about. With some of the structure changes that were coming next it felt like it would be too busy and crowded up top.
So we went to something a little more simple. I hope it still conveys the fun!
Next there have been some structure changes. Hopefully it makes it easier to navigate, find the project you are looking for or find something you haven’t seen before!
The menu has been simplified to organize the main categories under Create, Learn, Play.
My favorite new tab on the menu is Project Archive. It holds a snapshot of the most popular categories.
As you scroll down there is a category title and a Show More button to take you to all the projects in that category.
The best part of the Project Archive is the Category tab at the top of the page. It makes it so quick and easy to find projects under any category!
Things are not perfect around here, but I’m fixing things little by little to get everything where it belongs!
With changes sometimes problems arise. One issue that has been brought up to me is that a pop up box to Subscribe to the Newsletter keeps coming up, even when someone subscribes. It was pointed out that it happens on mobile devises. I have a pop up feature to make it easy to subscribe but I don’t want it to be annoying or interfere with your experience on the website! I really appreciate the feedback because that is how I improve things around here. I have tweaked things a bit and removed the pop up’s from mobile devises so hopefully that won’t be a problem anymore.
I hope the changes have been positive from your perspective! If you have any feedback or suggestions I would love to hear from you! Email me at
Thanks for your patience while I’ve been shuffling things around! What I really can’t wait to get to is more fun projects!
I love the new look of your blog, and how easy it is to find things! I’m a big fan of all that you do and share! Thank you for your generosity in sharing ideas and tutorials!
Thanks Sophie! I am glad it’s easy to find what you are looking for! Thanks for your sweet compliments! I appreciate the wonderful readers and feedback!
It looks great, Anna! Thanks for all you do!
Thanks Steph!
Lookin good!
Thanks Nonna!
I love the new look. This change to the website will definitely catch some eyes, for I know from the start it has for my eyes (even before the change). Keep up the AWESOME work Have a nice night, Anna!
Thanks! Hoping to keep making improvements little by little where needed but most of all have the fun projects to share! 🙂