Make some felt marshmallows to “roast” over your fire pit.
They are quick, quick, quick!
Cut a little rectangle of felt and two little circles. Sew the two ends of the rectangle together. Hand stitch a circle to the top, stuff with batting and stitch it closed with the remaining circle.
Look for a twig outside. Run a piece of sand paper across it to smooth it out. To make a hole in the marshmallow stick a needle through and move it in circular motions to widen the hole. Now the marshmallow can slip on and off.
Check out the fires here and here you can make, to roast your mallows on!
Have fun, use your imagination and play, play, play!
WOW I wish I’d discovered you before I ordered old, used stuff on eBay!
Thanks Victoria! Crafting is an awesome way to add to a doll collection!