Disclosure Policy

On Doll It Up I share craft ideas, sewing projects, and reviews of 18″ dolls.  I write and produce all the content for free at this time.  In order to keep the content free I may receive payments and products to help cover the costs of a website and running a business.  According to the FTC regulations this is a full disclosure of how and when I am compensated on Doll-It-Up.com

Opinions: It is important to me that all opinions are always my own.  When products are sent for review, I will always share my honest opinion.

Reviews, Giveaways and Free Stuff: Sometimes I receive products to review, giveaway, or use personally from companies .  I will always disclose items received when I write about it on Doll It Up.

Ads: At this time I receive paid advertising from ad networks.  They do not effect what I write or create for Doll It Up.  In the future when I accept paid ad spots they will not effect what I write or create for Doll-It Up.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about our disclosure policy at anna@doll-it-up.com.

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