
Bringing Ivy Home

American Girl recently announced they are archiving four of their Historical Character Dolls,  Marie-Grace, Cecile, Ruthie, and Ivy.  I decided to order Ivy before she wasn’t available anymore.

Ivy an American Girl Doll

She is a best friend doll to Julie.  These girl’s are grooving with the 70’s all the way!  Julie was my first AG doll and I have enjoyed collecting her outfits.  I had always thought I would eventually buy Ivy but with the announcement I decided to order her right away.

Ivy American Girl Doll

Let’s take a look at a few Ivy favorites!

Her almond shaped eyes.

Ivy an American Girl Doll

Her shiny black hair and blunt haircut.  Wait…this style is back in! 🙂

Ivy an American Girl Doll

Ivy’s chandelier earrings.

Ivy an American Girl Doll

And of course this groovy denim bag with 70’s all the way patches!

Ivy an American Girl Doll

How do you feel about the four doll’s American Girl will be archiving?  Is there one you wish you could bring home?



12 thoughts on “Bringing Ivy Home”

  1. The Little Things

    I really want Ivy. She is so cute. But, I will probably only get her if my mom gets her for me. I hope she does, she’s so pretty!

    1. The Little Things, Ivy is a lovely doll! I will miss the 4 dolls that are being archived! I like each of them for different reasons. It’s a hard decision to buy a doll because it is going to be gone. I guess dolls come and go, I hope you enjoy and love the dolls that are in your collection!

  2. Ivy is beautiful! My daughter has Julie and was sad to hear that Ivy is retiring.
    I love that cute little denim bag. We may have to make one of those for Julie!

    1. Lori, I was sad too! I will also miss the other dolls they are archiving. I like each of them for different reasons. I like your idea to make Julie a denim bag! Sounds like a fun craft!

  3. Yeah, I will, Marie-Grace and Cecile!! Won’t be getting them sadly. 🙁

    Unless a holiday miracle happens…….

    1. Chris, My mom has Marie-Grace and she is a wonderful doll. I have always thought Cecile was a stunning doll and would have enjoyed adding her to our collection!

  4. I will miss you Ivy! I am wishing for Julie for Christmas and there have been a lot of bad reviews about her. Anna, what is Julies hair like for you?

    1. Julie’s hair is very straight. That being said it keeps a sleek straight look great. Some do’s don’t work as well because her hair is so straight. Every doll has pro’s and con’s to their hair style. Hope that helps!

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