
A Peak Inside Our Locker

We decorated our second locker!  It has elements from our first locker and something new too!  Let’s take a look around!


Both locker’s were covered on the inside with duck tape. Colored paper or patterned paper are great options as well!


To make the shelf I simply cut a piece of cardboard to fit inside and covered the cardboard with sparkly paper.


Now for all the details inside! The first one up is a new addition.  It is this little message board on the inside of the locker door.


Here are a few tid-bits if you would like to make your own-

  • Mirror- They sell small mirrors at craft stores.  I picked ours up at JoAnn’s.
  • Dry Erase Board- I used a piece of white paper with clear tape on top.  I wrote a message in permanent marker and glued the dry erase marker onto the board .(Instructions are below to make the marker.)
  • The bulletin board is made from scrapbook paper.  I cut the pictures out of a AG Doll Catalog.  The “push pins” are jewels I glued in place.

Everything is mounted to a piece of sparkly paper.


To make your own dry erase marker you will need:

  • white craft paint
  • black paper
  • bamboo skewer
  • paint brush
  • glue
  • scissors


Cut a section of bamboo skewer to 2″ and paint it white.  Cut a strip of black paper 3/4″x1″.  When the paint is dry, wrap the black paper around the end of the stick, gluing it as you go.  Cut a tiny strip of black paper for the logo and glue it on the side of the “marker”.  Color the end of the marker on the top of the “lid” where the white stick shows.   Glue the marker to the edge of the dry erase board or keep it in a pencil holder like we did in our first locker!


Reaching inside the locker, the backpack is hanging up on a hook.


The “hook” came from a clothes hanger.  I trimmed off a section with a sturdy pair of scissors, when I was making the locker handles.


As for this rug…


and this shiny chandelier, they are similar to the ones in our first locker.


The instructions to make them are over at Doll Diaries!

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I hope you enjoyed a little peak into our latest locker!


Why are tiny spaces so fun to decorate?  I seriously want to build a whole row of lockers just to deck out each one differently! 🙂

Here are the locker posts all in one place-


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