
13 Fun Doll Projects

I created this list of fun doll projects for my sister and I want to share it with you!

I have my sis in mind because she sparked the idea for this list.  I have you in mind because I think you would enjoy this fun list of projects too!

A while back my sister planted the idea in my head when she mentioned she doesn’t keep up with the weekly doll projects I create for another site, Doll Diaries.   Today I’ve gathered up all the projects I made over the summer for Doll Diaries, all in one place.

13 Fun Doll Projects for Summer

If you follow along with Doll Diaries you will recognize these projects.  Keep in mind this list is also a great resource to keep track of doll crafts you want to try later!  But if you want to catch up on my summer crafting and stay in the loop I’ve got you covered!

Oh, and since this post was inspired by my sis, I have to give her the inside scoop about the projects.  Don’t mind all my ramblings, you know, I’m just catching her up.  Thanks for understanding! 😉  Do feel free to skip all of my chitter chatter and jump right to the links that will take you to each post!  For fun I organized the posts into three categories (1)Decor and More, (2) Style, Fashion and Accessories and (3) Places to Go, Things to See and Something Tasty to Eat.

Decor and More

Camp Pillow Souvenir

Hey sis, Did you make one of these signature pillowcases growing up?  I know I did, but I’ve lost the details and I just can’t remember when or where??

This mini version of the signature pillow was fun to make and your daughter would love to “sign” for all the dolls in the dollhouse on the pillow!

(Camp pillow post is here.)


DIY Marquee Camp Letters

These marquee letters are really hip right now and I just love the look, so it was fun to make a doll size version.  I do wish I had them for my living room decor!

(Marquee letters post is here.)


Firecracker Decor

Seasonal decor is a fun way to get into the holiday’s.  When my Emma was little she would change out the decor in the doll house with every holiday.  That is why I like to create a seasonal craft now and again, for the little girl’s that love to decorate their doll’s world!

(Firecracker decoration post is here.)


Style, Fashion and Accessories

For the Groovy Type-  70’s Fashion

There is nothing like taking something from the past and bringing it back with a little fresh twist for today.  Kinda like the 80’s remixes we used to jam out to in high school, they were even better the second time around!

Check out these groovy 70’s fashion tips and accessories for dolls so the 70’s can still rock today!

(70’s fashion post is here.)

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For the Outdoorsy Type- A Compass

Yes the compass needle moves, I know adorable, right! 🙂  And it’s pink, and it’s a necklace.  I didn’t go overboard on the girly theme, did I?  You would tell me, right sis?

(Compass post is here.)


For the Trendy Type- A Fringe Scarf

This one is easy and quick and adorable.  It’s basically a triangle, I include the measurements to simplify it.  Your daughter can easily add the fringe in a few minutes.  Then she’ll be off tying it on her doll’s neck and creating her own fabulous doll fashion!

(Fringe Scarf post is here.)


For the Eclectic Type-A Sea Shell Necklace

Sister, I remembered the tiny shells you picked up on the beach.  Wouldn’t they be perfect for this project?   Yours would be even cooler because you found a tiny shark tooth!  It would be a fun souvenir for the girls from our family trip to the beach!

(Seashell necklace post is here.)


For the Athletic Type-Medals for the Team

This one wins the quick and easy award!  Seriously, ribbon, quarter, sticker/paper punch, yep quick enough to make after homework is done!

(Medals post is here.)

For the Artsy Type- A Mayan Bag

You’ll recognize the inspiration for this one because, well, you were there!  I’m so in love with my bird bowl, I wish I had it in different sizes as serving dishes, but I didn’t have the vision at the time.

This craft is kinda like a drawing lesson to make Mayan inspired art at home.  The girls can follow along and draw on anything, like paper, for a poster, or really any creative project you can think to put the drawing on.  I put ours on a mini purse because Lucy is in love with fabric markers and fabric.  I sewed two purse, one for her and one for me.  I think you saw hers when you were here. Oh, you know she is too young for a drawing lesson, so I just let her go at it and decorate it with fabric markers.  She loves it best!

(Mayan art post is here.)


Places to Go, Things to See and Something Tasty to Eat

Fresh Bread at the Farmer’s Market

I think I first heard about this artisan bread from you.  I don’t know, I’ve been making it a long time and I can’t remember exactly!  (Yikes, more foggy memories! Help!)

For this project we left the bread out for a few days and it turned hard as a rock and perfect for play.  Lucy saw me taking the pictures for this and asked if she could play with it when I was done.  She loves the little doll scenes all set up for her to “play” with.  She is young as you know, so that mainly involves putting all the pieces into a basket or the shopping cart and hauling it around.  Totally cracks me up!  It’s fun to see how play evolves and I love sharing the doll fun with her!

(Fresh bread post is here.)


Touching Tide Pool at the Aquarium

Do you remember the tide pools on the beach growing up?  Oh, I have such rosy memories of the endless discovery and awe, seeing this different world so close up!  This project is so easy and fun to put together because you can basically gather a little of this and that from around the house to put it together.  Your daughter has such an amazing imagination, she would have an afternoon of fun!

(Tide pool post is here.)


At the Tasty Treats Bakery

Okay, this was one of those instances where I had a prop mishap and it turned into a fun story.  The props literally came tumbling down mid shot.  I had to laugh that I accidentally caught the action on film mid air.  It was too cool to pass up.  I changed what I was planning and went with the story.

Kids are naturally good at story telling.  I love how our two made a lego movie together the last time you were here.  See, sometimes all it takes is a camera in hand and the story unfolds!

(Bakery post is here.)


Yummy Fruit Tarts 

So, I’ve been obsessed with wanting to try real French pastries this year.  With the Girl of the Year, Grace Thomas, going to France in her stories and all, it’s just piqued my interest.  Do you think I have a chance of tasting anything French here?  Oh no, I’ve kept my eyes peels ever since January and no, nothing.  Well recently I noticed a little shack next to main street was remodeled and the sign said “The French Spot”.  This place is tiny and I wasn’t betting it had truly French food until I tried it.  We ate outside, it’s the only place to eat (ha!), and had fresh berry tarts (they had just made), strawberry and chocolate macaroons and savory crepes.  I was in heaven!  I think you and I need to go there when you come next, after all you are the one that has been to France and I need to know if this place is for real! 🙂

Oh ya, the craft.:)  It’s made with a bake-able clay.  Those are so easy to work with, forgiving and fantastic looking.  They are a dream for doll food!  So, when I saw the fruit tart at The French Spot, I was like, look John it’s my doll craft in real life.  He didn’t get it, oh, well. 🙂

(Fruit tart post is here.)


Sis, that is my summer doll crafting in a nutshell!

And there you have it friends a fun recap and list of summery doll crafts!  I enjoyed creating this list for you and if you want to catch my latest weekly post on Doll Diaries come check it out!


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