This funny story was too wordy without photos so I dug up some candids from the season to go along with it. Don’t mind the low light, pixilated, camera phone photos! ————————————-
My daughter caught her first glance of Santa at a party this year. She was not impressed with the jolly old elf. His large stature, audacious red and white outfit and abundant facial hair sent her running and crying. Maybe not uncommon for a 2+ year old but it had a lasting effect on the whole season. She exclaimed, “Santa scary,” one day and reassured, “Santa nice,” the next. There was a 2+ year old trying to come to terms with her experience and the stories she’s read about in books.

Santa has a small part at our house Christmas morning, filling stockings and bringing one unwrapped gift under the tree. We don’t have some of the popular traditions to make out a list or write him a letter. He is in the know and always brings something fun. With her uncertainty about Santa and our low key traditions I listened in when someone asked her one day, “What is Santa going to bring you for Christmas?” She answered quickly, “A doll.”

On Christmas morning Santa brought her something for her dolls but not an actual doll. She noticed and said a few days later, “Mom, Santa didn’t bring me a doll.” I explained, “He brought you a bed for your dolls and he knew you would be getting a doll from your uncle.”

She was satisfied with that answer but Santa still has some work to do in the next year to prove himself. The season is all said and done, she has had some time to work through her feelings for Santa and he is still getting a “scary” rating. The most recent reason is about the “Ho, ho, ho.” Which is apparently more scary sounding than joyful. Despite the uncertainty with Santa she thoroughly enjoyed Christmas day and the doll that Santa didn’t bring. 🙂
By the way I will be sharing the doll bed I made for Christmas in the next few weeks! I whipped it up quick and I want to go back and take a few pictures to show how I made it.
Now let’s get to the new doll! I shared a sneak peek last week on Doll Diaries. She is the My Life As Doll- Holiday Baker. Visit the post here to see more details about the doll and the set she comes with. Today I want to share some pictures of her out of the box and in a few other outfits.
With two tight braids she looks great in hats.
This is the Bitty Baby Dotty Coat. Even though Bitty Baby is a 15 inch baby doll many of their clothes work on 18 inch dolls.
The lavender looks really nice with her blue eyes.
Next up is Sweet Savannah Dress from American Girl.
She is wearing the same hat only with the flower turned to the back. I love the grey on her as well.
She has nice coloring on her face.
She will be well loved!
I am excited to share some of the doll related gifts I made this Christmas. Keep a look out for them over the next few weeks!
When my oldest was about 2 years old, she was so afraid of Santa that she was bawling in a craft fair. I finally just told her that the Santas she sees around are really Santa’s helpers/elves, because of course the REAL Santa is far too busy to be at all these places right before Christmas. I explained to her that the Santa she sees is just a person, who works for Santa, dressed up to look like Santa. She understood about play acting and stuff, so this all made sense to her. She still believes this at age 6, and we are teaching her little sister the same thing (because, of course, I can’t change the story now!). The little one is also a bit afraid of him, but she sat on his lap after her older sister and told Santa that what she wants for Christmas is toilet paper. This is a joke, she knows it’s funny, and of course Santa thought it was pretty funny, too. Anyway, Santa doesn’t bring tons of stuff to our house either; I think this year he brought them each 4 things and filled their stockings. I’m sure your daughter will figure things out about Santa. I think children want to believe, so I’m sure she’ll find a way to do that and probably next year she will not be as afraid of him. Glad you all had a good Christmas!
Thanks for sharing your story! Too cute your daughter is having a sense of humor with Santa and asked for toilet paper! I loved your explanation of Santa, it’s perfect! I’m always amazed with how kids take things in and process them in their own way. It’s a joy to take the journey with them and to be a parent!
Your new doll is really cute! I’m impressed with the new MLA dolls. She looks great in lilac (purple). Congrats and Happy New Year!!
That is so funny that your youngest daughter thought that. As im not a parent (and WAY too young to be!!) I can’t relate to this post, but I enjoyed reading about this.