Mini Grace Doll {GOTY 2015}

There has been a buzz of interest over American Girl’s new Girl of the Year 2015, Grace Thomas.  It is always fun to see new dolls from the different doll companies but American Girl always creates a lot of excitement with their new doll each January 1.  We don’t live near an American Girl store, so we didn’t attend any of the events to debut the new doll.  Before the official release I noticed they had the mini doll available for preorder on Amazon.  We have a few of the historical mini dolls and I decided she would be a fun addition.  I was surprised that when you preorder the doll before the official release they are 40% off or basically $15.  I’m glad to say that I checked this morning and they are on sale at Amazon for 31% off or a little over $17.

Today I have detailed pictures to share of mini Grace Thomas.  I am a touch and feel kind of buyer so I hope that through the detailed pictures you’ll feel like you’ve held her in your own hand!

Meet Grace Thomas.

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-21

Snapshot of Mini Grace Thomas:

  • Girl of the Year 2015
  • Made by American Girl
  • 6″ doll
  • Priced from $15-$24.99
  • Available at Amazon and in bookstores.

Opening Time

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-12

Grace is peeking out the window of her purple box.

 Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-14

This is the new purple packaging.  It’s fun and colorful!

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-11

Each mini doll comes with a mini book.

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-17

Right out of the box it is easy to stand her squarely on her feet.

Hair Time

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-20

Grace has a patch of bangs cropped in the front.  On the 18″ size doll the bangs look like they sweep to the side but on the small version they stubbornly lay flat.  I tried to brush them to the side but it was no use.  I wonder if they would train to the side with a headband holding them in place overnight?  I may give it a try.

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-22

Her hair is a lovely brunette with a little color variation that you can see in the picture above.

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-23

Her mini braid starts above her cropped bangs and continues the length of her face.

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-4

Her hair comes in a very loose hairband to keep her hair in place while she was in her box.

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-3

Remove the hairband and her hair is very silky straight.  The hair is nicely layered at the bottom.

Face Time

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-5

Grace has cute freckles that set her apart.  Her eyebrows are feathered and her eyes are a bright blue.

Fashion Time

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-2

Grace comes dressed in a dress, boots and pink underwear.

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-21

On the original doll the skirt and shirt are separate but on the mini they simplified things and sewed it into a little dress.  The velcro is nice and thin for the back closure.

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-7

The boots are my favorite in grey with a bow on the side.

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-16

They are oversized on the mini doll so you can easily slip them on and off.  The only funny thing is that when I first looked at the doll I thought her toes pointed inward but it was the boots pointing in.  I think they also come off easier than the other mini doll shoes.  That means I’ll have to keep an eye out, so they don’t slip off and get lost!

Book Time

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-10

I love the mini books that come with all of the mini dolls.

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-8

They are always an abridged version of the original book and the perfect size for 18″ dolls!

Mini Grace Thomas American Girl of the Year 2015-19

Overall I am happy with our mini Grace doll.  She is different from the other mini dolls we have and will be a fun addition to our minis!  What do you think?  Do you like the mini version of Grace Thomas GOTY 2015?


11 thoughts on “Mini Grace Doll {GOTY 2015}”

  1. shes cute but I didn’t know if I would like her based on my first glimpses of the mini doll. I definitely like her better with her hair let loose. And I LOVE the big Grace. I’ll probably get the mini doll. My 4 year old just adores the mini dolls and they do look so cute on a doll bed!

    1. I wasn’t sure about the mini either until I saw her in person. She’s a cute little doll and has been getting plenty of love from my little daughter. There is something about a little doll in little hands.

    1. That is funny you would ask because I didn’t really notice the teeth until I looked at the pictures and I had to go back and look at the doll again. In person her teeth are off center a little. Not very noticeable but maybe at certain angles it is accentuated. I’m wondering if this is just a flaw?

  2. I do not like her because her neck is too high. When they changed to the all vinyl body they needed to adjust the length of the neck. I hope they get it right for 2016.

    1. This is my first all vinyl mini doll and it was interesting to see the difference with the soft bodied mini dolls. What I was most surprised by is that while the all vinyl doll’s neck is on the long side the soft bodied doll’s neck is also too short. I guess they need to meet in the middle somewhere! 🙂

  3. I agree, she is cute! I just got her today from Target and she is amazing and much cuter in person. Photos just don’t do her justice. Have a great night, Anna!

  4. My parents were able to get a pack of Grace mini doll(sadly, no mini book), and the first two full size Grace books at Costco in 2015. We got it before the third was released.

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